Preparing the harvest in cognac vineyards

In september, stress and excitation slowly rise up in cognac region, harvest is soon coming. Ripeness checks and grapes tasting as such as weather forecasts are obviously determinant to decide of the due day, but it’s at once a decision based on feeling, and experience.« Each day of the year, we work for this moment whatever we do. Nobody here would miss this moment for nothing in the world »

Let us see « backstage » how the cognac winegrowers spend their september month…

livingincognac - pre harvesting

Complete check and hardware verification before harvest

During the harvest time, between one and three weeks, depending from the importance of the vineyards, men and equipments have to operate at the peak of performance and are overstretched. From dawn to sunset, it’s an on-going traffic from the vineyards to the wine press. Even a small trouble can undermine the harvest of the day, or the quality of the wine, its just unthinkable…

September is devoted to hardware verification and cleaning :

complete cleaning of the cellars and technical facilities  : stainless steel vats, floors, tanks, tractors…

Review of technical devices, such as flexibles hoses, electronic controllers, temperature regulators, motors…

Test of grape harvester machine and tractors,

Purchase of spare parts to ensure a quick repair if necessary…

livigincognac - pre harvesting


livingincognac - pre harvesting


New color for the tank in which the trailer unloads the grapes arriving for the vines

livingincognac - pre harvesting

Absolute cleanliness required…… and immaculate space

livingincognac2016 - pre harvesting

Light is reflected in the stainless steel of the vats

livingincognac - pre harvesting 2016


Connecting the vats

livingincognac -preparing tank

Thanks to François Jérôme and his team.



Que se passe-t-il ici qui puisse vous intéresser, vous concerner, vous inspirer, que vous habitiez dans la région, en France ou ailleurs ? Chaque mois, je vous envoie un contenu exclusif : la vie dans les vignes et les chais, la créativité et la passion de celles et ceux qui font vibrer la région du cognac, quel que soit leur talent, les adresses à découvrir, les idées de week-end, bref je vous distille l’art de vivre en Charentes à consommer sur place ou chez vous !

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