Birken AS has recently announced that « due to the strong official covid-restrictions », the organization « …is forced to cancel the Birkebeinerrennet famous ski race this year, reporting to 2022 on march 19th... »
If unfortunately this legendary ski race is postponed, all the norwegian and cognac lovers, can however celebrate the moment with this « Jean Luc Pasquet Grande Champagne », specially dedicated to this part of Norwegian history.

A norwegian historical event
During the civil war early 13 th century, between the Birkebeiner and the Bagler, two birkebeiner skiers carried the 18 months old prince Haakon Haakonsson over the mountains and brought him to safety. Skiing in deep snow the tough warriors wore leggings of birch bark, hence the name Birkebeiner (birch legs). In norwegian history Haakon Haakonsson is known as the great king Haakon IV. First he put an end to the civil war. An then during his long reign (46 years) Norway lived in prosperity and peace. Recently, the norwegian filmaker Nils Gaup produced a movie called The Last King (Birkebeinerne in VO) on this historical moment of the country.
The legendary Birkebeinerrennet
To honour the feat of theses two warriors and fabulous skiers, the first race took place on March 20th 1932. It starts from Rena to finish in Lillehammer, representing 54 km of breathtaking sceneries. The classic technique race crosses two mountains and valleys. To honour the history and the courage of the former skiers of the legend, the participants must carry a backpack of 3,5kg corresponding to the little prince weight ! It is known as the most challenging long distance cross country ski race.
This race is very famous in Norway at once for the sporting challenge and the celebration of part of history, gathering hundred of thousands norvegians, racers or spectators.
The cognac Jean Louis Pasquet Grande Champagne
Tribute to this glorious part of the history, Amy and Jean Pasquet created Kongesonnen XO, available to buy only in Norway.

The label represents the two birkebeiners and the little prince.
So as the race will not take place this year, nevertheless, you can watch the movie and drink a glass of Kongesonnen XO. Cheers and of course drink responsibly.