Pruning and binding in the vines

binding the cognac vines
Specially dedicated to the english-speaking community of Living in cognac land. In your posts or when we meet “in real life”, you very often tell me that you are intensely curious about what happens week after week in our cognac land from the vines to the cellar. Enthusiastic amateur of cognac, you love discovering new producers, outstanding bottles of premium cognac brands, new cocktails created by famous bartenders, little secret places to visit and/or stay when you come here… Theses posts are for you. Do not hesitate to comment or ask for further informations. I will try to do my very best to reply as quickly as possible. If you like the posts and the blog, forward to friends, share on social media by clicking directly on the buttons. Tell me also if you would be interested by a newsletter in english. Many thanks for your messages and comments about it.

While distillation time will be over at march 31st, pruning and binding the vines are still under way. Whatever the weather, morning frost, rainy day, cold wind, day after day, hooded women and men work in vineyards, as Carole in her vines last march on the first image.

Pruning is a key work in vineyards cycle. Each gesture is important as it really engages the grow up and health of the vine, the quality of the harvest… Pruning is quite over, here’s time for binding just before buds burst.

Most of the time, cutted branches remain between the rows and then are grinded to fertilize soil.

Pneumatic tools are a great help for theses operations, requiring however, some physical strength and patience. Hundred and hundred hours are necessary, depending of course of the surfaces.

Traditional pruning and binding method in cognac vineyards is arch-trained or horizonally-tied « double Guyot  » and « Guillot-poussard ». A long branch with 8 at 10 buds is kept on each side of the trunk.

If it seems to be simple,gexperience is needed to be efficient. When you are in front of your first frapevine, pruning shear on hand, it’s not so easy to start,even if you have carrefully listened the explanations… At first time, I had the unpleasant feeling that the vine did not look like what I have learned !

binding the vines of cognac

At the end of the rows, vans and cars are used as rear base for material and mobile cafeteria : french saucisson, home made « pâtés », bread, cheese, hotdishes in a box and beverages, essential to get through the day. We are in France…

And to know more on the vine cycle


Que se passe-t-il ici qui puisse vous intéresser, vous concerner, vous inspirer, que vous habitiez dans la région, en France ou ailleurs ? Chaque mois, je vous envoie un contenu exclusif : la vie dans les vignes et les chais, la créativité et la passion de celles et ceux qui font vibrer la région du cognac, quel que soit leur talent, les adresses à découvrir, les idées de week-end, bref je vous distille l’art de vivre en Charentes à consommer sur place ou chez vous !

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