Positive thoughts from cognac land

As it’s the last day of january and the very last moment to do it, I wish everyone all my best : no resolutions impossible to reach, just positive thoughts to croos 2018 in a good mood ! Many thanks to each of you to follow and appreciate the blog, facebook page and instagram post. January is already behind us. Let’s have a look about it.

A really wet wet month

livingincognac 2018 Jarnac flood
charente flood

After days and days without any drop and critical level of the aquifers,  storms and  rainy clouds have suddenly crossed our region without any interruption ! From too dry to too wet, we went from an extreme to an other. Vineyards, fields, roads  close to river are under water.


livingincognac 2018 flood
vineyards take a dip

The river Charente has spread over its banks and is not in a hurry to come back in its stream bed…

livingincognac 2018 lock jarnac
Charente flood  The lock is totally under water

Here in Jarnac, cognac Courvoisier  is just on front line !

livingincognac 2018 Jarnac flood
charente flood


livingincognac 2018 Jarnac flood
charente flood

Ready to walk on the river ?


As you know, every clould has a silver lining and in this case the positive point of view  and thought is that the nature and plants, and cognac vineyards needed this water, and even if it happens all at once, it’s a good new for springtime. So we just have to be patient…


A mild winter

Spring is not here yet, altough temperatures are rather mild for the season. Consequetly, my wattle tree in the garden is in bloom with about two weeks early.

livingincognac 2018 wattle tree
wattle flower

In Oleron Island, each mid february, a flower parade takes place with numerous activities, music and concerts, flea market, sale of wattle, and Miss Mimosa (french name of wattle) contest. During this period wattle trees are in blossom and the whole island is yellow colored.

A sunny color on my desk is clearly inspiring positive thoughts.

livingincognac 2018 wattle flower
wattle flower

Distillation is on the air

Since november after the harvest and till end of march, the cognac distilleries work night and day. It’s really a magical moment to be there with the master distiller.

He/she crosses non-stop several weeks  depending from the quantity of vine to be distilled. Even if modern facilities such as computer controlled devices, and gaz heating  allow to sleep at home and no more in the distillery, the distiller  takes great care of each step of distillation, trusting on his/her five senses. The crunch time is called  » la coupe » (the cutting).

livingincognac2016 distilla

First, “the heads”appear with  the highest alcohol content. Then comes the precious moment “the heart », a clear spirit : this is the one that will produce cognac. The « second cuts » and the « tails » come lastly.The « heads » and « seconds cuts » are distilled once more with the next batch of wine, called « brouillis. 24 hours are necessary for an entire cycle.


livingincognac 2016 distillation guillon pinturaud
cognac distillation



I do love the different names used for the process,  » la bonne chauffe »   » la mise au courant » giving it its part of mystery. The scent in the distillery is quite amazing. We feel good even if we don’t drink ! 

Angoulême International comics strip

Created in 1975, the Angoulême International comics strip festival is the most important event of its kind in the world and the place-to-be for editors, authors, and fans. As usual, from last thursday to end of sunday, it has been a tremendous success and huge moments of emotion, laughs, discovery and passion.

livingincognac 2018 FIBD invitation

livingincognac 2018 FIBD remise des clés de la ville
Remise des clés de la ville

To describe in few words and figures this festival : schtrumpfs and cosplayers in the streets, 23 countries represented, 2000 authors, 6600 editors and professionnals, 900 french and foreign journalists, 400 tons of books and materials.

Some views of the exhibition of Naoki Urasawa, one of the most fascinating contemporary mangaka.

livingincognac 2018 FIBD
Exposition Naoki Urasawa
livingincognac 2018 FIBD
Naoki Urasawa exhibition



and some other of the President of this past edition, Cosey 

livingincognac 2018 FIBD
Cosey Exhibition
livingincognac 2018 FIBD
Cosey Exhibition
livingincognac 2018 FIBD
Cosey Exhibition
livingincognac 2018 FIBD
Cosey exhibition
livingincognac 2018 Cosey FIBD
Cosey exhibition



In this grey january, this moment of madness is a authentic gift


And you, what have you done this past month ?

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Que se passe-t-il ici qui puisse vous intéresser, vous concerner, vous inspirer, que vous habitiez dans la région, en France ou ailleurs ? Chaque mois, je vous envoie un contenu exclusif : la vie dans les vignes et les chais, la créativité et la passion de celles et ceux qui font vibrer la région du cognac, quel que soit leur talent, les adresses à découvrir, les idées de week-end, bref je vous distille l’art de vivre en Charentes à consommer sur place ou chez vous !

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