Nature remains the boss and knows how come back as a reminder of anyone who would forget it. Obviously, winegrowers don’t belong to this category as they work day after day close to it and know that nothing is ever won.
This past week, and still this one, vines have more or less deeply suffered of night frost, as in many others european vineyards.

I have a friendly thought to Burgundy, and Rhone valley winegrowers most impacted than here.
You certainly have seen the dramatically pictures of thousand and thousand of braziers, big candles, lighting the night in the vines.

It is just difficult to measure the exact impact today. We must wait several days, and hope that night temperature will increase. The paradox is that during the day, the temperatures are quite thoses of this spring season…

UGVC, the professionnal organization of the cognac winegrowers, is currently collecting detailed informations from its membership, in order to give within one week, a first idea of the damages.
We cross fingers and support our winegrowers.