November in the heart of a golden autumn

November is the kick off month for distillation. After the harvest time, distillation is a magic moment as well. In the vineyards, last fireworks in  golden and brown colors take place before winter, a great inspiration for pictures… and many business travels this month, visits in museum, so as  a stroll in Pays Basque for week end, as we love this place.

First of all, a hello to cranes and geese, the migratory birds which fly every spring and autumn just above the house. Many flights in the beginning of this month :  we hear them before we can see the V Shape of numerous noisy birds. It’s always an emotional moment and I stop my work to tell them good luck, good travel,  hoping to see them again in a few months.


First friday evening  of november, we went in our neighbourhood, in Bordeaux vineyards, to celebrate a  business birthday, the 10 years old of Lyod Associes a consulting office created by a friend of mine. And the party  was in… Château Pomeaux, in prestigious Pomerol vineyard. Great thanks also to, Joel Palous, one of the owner associate of this property, for his kind welcome. As an evidence, wine was  on  top !

livingincognac - chateau pomeaux

livingincognac Chateau PomeauxCourtesy of Château Pomaux for this pict.

Morning after, we visited Saint Emilion village, and his stunning monolithic church. The mist gave a mysterious and poetic feeeling to the landscape.

livingincognac 2016 Saint Emilionlivingincognac 2016 saint emilion

livingincognac 2016 saint emilionLunch in « L’Envers du décor », a  nice adress I recommend for the table as well as for his sense of humour   « thanks to  the Lord who make vineyards grow here in Saint Emilion, on the very spot where we love so much good wine… »

livingincognac 2016 Saint Emilion l'adresse

and  then we went back at home with wonderful images  and friendship memories.

A ending-late meeting in Bordeaux on friday evening,

livingncognac 2016 bordeauxwas the perfect opportunity,  to move in Pays Basque  at about one hour and half, by car  and we arrived around midnight in Biarritz.

Even if the weather was a bit cloudy early morning, running and walking on the beach in the heart of the city is an healthy and nice  moment.


livingincognac 2016 Biarritz

Pays Basque is a paradise for surf and golf. If i am just onlooker for surf, I practice golf as you know now and the international center of Ilbarritz is just amazing. ( yes, it was the same day, grey on morning and blue in the afternoon, we have lunch outside on the terrace…)

livingincognac 2016 golf

One sunday in Cognac museum…

livingincognac 2016 Anne Loloum FrangeulAn awesome photo exhibition from scottish photograph Mark Unsworth, guest of the MACO till next february. More on it in  my previous post

Mark Unsworth Distilleries cognac Exhibition 2016

… and in Angoulême Cathedral to discover the fabulous  » Trésor », a masterpiece created by french internationally reknown Jean Marc Othoniel. Following a snapshot of this marvel.

livingincognac 2016 Othoniel

livinigncognac 2016 othoniel

In front of Sanctus Anne…

livingincognac 2016 othoniel


And what about the cognac vineyard ?

Golden leaves are falling down a lot, some vines are already bare. Soon will be time for pruning.

livingincognac 2016 autumnlivingincognac 2016 autumn


livingincognac 2016 autumn


I love autumn in cognac region, a different light  to see the  landscape and architecture in an other way.

livingincognac 2016 Anne Loloum Frangeul livingincognac 2016 livingincognac 2016 livingincognac 2016

an old weigh-bridge


Distillation has began : click on to read the post

Day and night, till march 31st, the winegrowers who are also distillers, live according to the  tempo of theirs stills and the process  called « double chauffe » or « repasse » in french i.e, two separate heatings, in a special « charentais » copper still.Depending from the harvest, the vinification… distillation begins in november.  We know when the process begins when we see small white smokes above the distilleries.

livingincognac 2016 distillery

livingincognac2016 distillation guillon pinturaud



livinginconac2106 distillation guillon painturaud

And last, during the yearly gastronomic exhibition of november, I was invited in a girl party in townhall by Angoulême municipality, BNIC, and Konoisseur.  A good idea to discover cognac in an original way for those who used to think that cognac represents more  the image of men, smoking cigar after a good meal…  It has been a great discovery for many of the guests, of course in a responsible drinking. Thanks to @agathedecharente for her video.





Que se passe-t-il ici qui puisse vous intéresser, vous concerner, vous inspirer, que vous habitiez dans la région, en France ou ailleurs ? Chaque mois, je vous envoie un contenu exclusif : la vie dans les vignes et les chais, la créativité et la passion de celles et ceux qui font vibrer la région du cognac, quel que soit leur talent, les adresses à découvrir, les idées de week-end, bref je vous distille l’art de vivre en Charentes à consommer sur place ou chez vous !

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