Telling the story of cognac region

Far away from the hustle and bustle of our working lives, cognac needs to take its time, all its time. A generation of winegrowers works for the upcoming one. Suffice it to say that it’s light-years of our connected daily life, and thus, should be more emphasized, a subject of never-ending story.

Looking back to the previous year, I see hard work and great satisfactions.

Deeply involved in communication and public relations since many time, living in cognac region and working in great south-west France, I thought that if cognac, famous name for a famous product, was worldwide known and appreciated, its slow elaboration, the high skill of the people involved in this success, the landscape, the heritage, and the way of life, rather remained in the shadow.  livingincognac-cognacvineyards saint-preuil-08-16-copie touzac


livingincognac - logis de puygaty

lilvingincognac - Max & me



Since a long time, I had the idea to tell these little stories day after day, season after season, in the vineyards, distillleries, cooperage… as such as the cultural life of the region, the importance of the river Charente, on which the first cognac barrels were loaded in the past centuries to, then, cross  the oceans, as the Hermione ship on board of which La Fayette came in the US.

livingincognac 2016 plantation


livingincognac 2016 - pruning


livingincognac2016 distillation guillon pinturaud

livingincognac 2016 distiller

livingincognac 2016 charentelivingincognac-2016-hermione

At the beginning of 2016, I felt I was ready to start, to create a blog, and I easily found its name  : living in cognac which is the reality. Would this blog  be relevant ? I just could not go wrong, or be boring. Could I find enough time ?  Many other questions appear day after day… Finally, I decided that I should go ahead.  First a Facebook pro page, and Instagram, launched last end of may allowed me to draw a clearer outline for the blog. I worked on july and august off line. On line on september 2nd, Living in Cognac was  ready  for the crunch time of harvest, it could not feel more right.

livingincognac - préparation-des-vendanges

livingincognac - pressoir mobile

Few months after, I could say that I enjoy much more than I could expect in my mind. I am sincerely grateful to everyone reading, following, sharing… and particularly those of you who add comments or ask questions. In Norway, UK, Australia, USA, Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Nederland, Sweden, India, Canada, Czech Republic, Malaysia, Mexico, Chile, China.. and in France so. Thanks, really thanks, I am so grateful for your interest and your so nice comments.

Of course, many thanks to the winegrowers and distillers  who took time for photos and discussions, the owners of Logis de Puygaty, and many other people, happy to share their passion.

I wish you all my best for this new year.

And soon, an other post on the cooperage. Stay tuned.

livingincognac 2017 - cooperage


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