The perfect blend of vineyards and art

Impossible to miss it when you arrive in the courtyard. The huge fresco on the wall of the distillery, realized with natural but quite original components… Welcome in the creative universe of « les Frères Moine » ie the brothers of family Moine, winegrowers and artists at the same time. The art of blend has no secret for […]

The dovecote in the cognac vineyards

On the top of the hill, it looks great and proud amongst the vineyards. Without  doubt it  is one of the most interessant dovecote of the cognac  region and one of the most important. Built with the white limestone from Charente,  this « pigeon loft »  has crossed more than 300 years… Welcome to the Pigeonnier d’Ardenne.

Pruning work and binding the vines in all weathers

Whatever the weather, morning frost, rainy day, or cold wind, day after day, hooded men and women work in vineyards. What happen so important in winter to be there ? Pruning is a key work in vineyards life. Each gesture is important as it really engages the grow up of the vine, the quality of […]

Chilling january in vineyards

It’s quite unusual in Cognac region  to have such low températures withing the day :  -7°C or -9°C. I presume that the scandinavian and canadian friends of the blog will just  smile and think that it’s out of mind to say it’s cold, but for us, it is ! A white coat on the roofs and landscapes till noon, is quite exceptionnal. […]

Toasting the barrel,wedding of wood and fire

Delicate fragances  of vanilla, tostaed bread, almond floating  in the air, no doubt I am close to the « bousinage » workshop  in Tonnellerie de Jarnac : the kingdom of wood and fire, craftsmanship, and barrels ballet, a fascinating moment. Let’s go together !

Winter weather in cognac vineyards

Since this first days or this new year, winter is there in cognac region,  with its white mornings, frozen fields and vineyards,  frozen grass glittering in sun like today, in short, a « temps de saison » as we say in french. And an opportunity to take photos and share them.

Telling the story of cognac region

Far away from the hustle and bustle of our working lives, cognac needs to take its time, all its time. A generation of winegrowers works for the upcoming one. Suffice it to say that it’s light-years of our connected daily life, and thus, should be more emphasized, a subject of never-ending story.

Distiller, full-time job in wintertime

He/she wakes up early morning, generally between 4 and 6, each day, during the distillation time. As for a single-handed round  world race, he/she crosses non-stop several weeks or months depending from the quantity of vine to be distilled. Even if modern facilities such as computer controlled devices, and gaz heating  allow to sleep at home and no more in […]

November in the heart of a golden autumn

November is the kick off month for distillation. After the harvest time, distillation is a magic moment as well. In the vineyards, last fireworks in  golden and brown colors take place before winter, a great inspiration for pictures… and many business travels this month, visits in museum, so as  a stroll in Pays Basque for week end, as we […]

Here’s the time of distillation

Day and night, till march 31st, the winegrowers who are also distillers, live according to the  tempo of theirs stills and the process  called « double chauffe » or « repasse » in french i.e, two separate heatings, in a special « charentais » copper still. The distillation is a particular moment which appeals to emotional senses of sight and smell :  a sweety […]


Que se passe-t-il ici qui puisse vous intéresser, vous concerner, vous inspirer, que vous habitiez dans la région, en France ou ailleurs ? Chaque mois, je vous envoie un contenu exclusif : la vie dans les vignes et les chais, la créativité et la passion de celles et ceux qui font vibrer la région du cognac, quel que soit leur talent, les adresses à découvrir, les idées de week-end, bref je vous distille l’art de vivre en Charentes à consommer sur place ou chez vous !

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