The chance to live in cognac region


Really, an amazing place. Blue of sky has always inspirated painters and photographs : never the same, from dawn to sunset, and so bright.  Many shades of green are present everywhere, from that of the vineyards to that of the woods. In fall season, when a morning mist appear, the landscape becomes magic. And what about  the sunset on the walls of the houses, build with the  white limestome of Charente. The amber color of the cognac after his ageing period answers to the fall colors of nature. Live here  allows to see, day after day, an unbelievable symphony of colours.livingincognac-cognacvineyards

This landscape is that of cognac : we are in the cognac delimited region. Atlantic ocean is the natural border on west side, and Bordeaux vineyards on south side. The oceanic climate, the quality of soils mainly, clayer, chalky, and limestone, the sun exposition, are some of  the secrets of cognac.


Roman churchs,  high houses  with closed courtyards, vineyards, historical towns such as Angoulême, Jarnac, Cognac, Saintes, Rochefort on the river Charente, small villages sleeping in the heat of the sun, there’s so much to see.





livingincognac - gondeville


You could imagine that this small area is like a  stunning painting, but  may be a bit boring all the year long.

On the contrary, cognac has  opened-eyes on the world since a long time. The dynasties of famous names of cognac, coming from abroad to create their trade  in XVIII century, and the charentais sons of families, went off in search of adventure, gave for ever, this sensibility of exchange, meeting other cultures.  For instance, La Fayette left France to sustain American War of Independance, on board of the Hermione, by Rochefort Harbour, and Henri Fauconnier in the beginning of XX century went off to Malaisia to create a succesfull rubberwood plantation.

livingincognac- Hermione - La Fayette


No doubt that the famous notoriety and sucessfull story of cognac, can be explain by this spirit of curiosity.

It’s true, however, that many visitors coming here, discover that cognac is not only a beverage, but a small city and a region, and for some of them, that cognac comes from vines…

It would be my pleasure to take you on a stroll week after week, wherever you live in the world, and show you, secret places, skilled winegrowers, favourites, nice people leaving here and stunning views.

if you agree, let’s go…



Que se passe-t-il ici qui puisse vous intéresser, vous concerner, vous inspirer, que vous habitiez dans la région, en France ou ailleurs ? Chaque mois, je vous envoie un contenu exclusif : la vie dans les vignes et les chais, la créativité et la passion de celles et ceux qui font vibrer la région du cognac, quel que soit leur talent, les adresses à découvrir, les idées de week-end, bref je vous distille l’art de vivre en Charentes à consommer sur place ou chez vous !

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